【同义词辨析】 2019-01-23 舒服comfortable-restful

comfortable: applies to anything that encourages serenity, well-being, or complacency as well as physical ease: began to feel ~ in her new surroundings.

cozy: suggests comfortableness derived from warmth, shelter, ease, and friendliness: a ~ neighborhood coffee shop.

snug: suggests having just enough of something for comfort and safety but no more: a ~ little cottage.

easy: implies relief from or absence of anything likely to cause physical or mental discomfit or constraint: our host has a warm, ~ manner.  discomfit使人窘迫尴尬to hamper, frustrate, and confuse, 如persistent heckling discomfited the speaker不断的诘问让演讲人感到窘迫尴尬

restful: applies to whatever induces or contributes to rest or relaxation: a quite ~ inn where indolence is encouraged.  indolent不愿动: 喜欢休息不愿做事,但没有贬义implies a love of ease and dislike of movement or activity,如the summer's heat made us all indolent夏天的酷暑让我们都不愿意动,同义词lazy和slothful都是贬义)

comfortable舒服: 泛指让人感到安宁幸福满足安逸,cozy也是舒服: 表示由于温暖遮蔽友好安逸而使人舒服,snug舒适: 表示基本上舒适平安,但仅此而已,easy随和: 指让人没有局促不安或约束的感觉,restful休闲: 促使或有助于人休息放松

记忆方法: 1)首字母CCSER,把1个C旋转放另一个C上变成T,变成REST休息<==舒服

         2)舒服的意思是让人安逸满足mean enjoying or providing circumstances of contentment or security.